SQL Output Clause into a table variable with more columns then the output

It turns out that if you are trying to use an output clause to insert data into a table variable / temp table and the number of fields in the table variable is greater then the number of fields you are actually using in the output clause an error will be raised. To solve this problem you will have to output a NULL or default value for the missing columns in the output clause.
DECLARE @NewPreson TABLE( ID_Person BIGINT NOT NULL , [RS] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL , ID_Person_tmp BIGINT NULL ) INSERT INTO dbo.Person ( [First Name] , [Last Name] , [MI] , [Birth Date] , [RS] ) OUTPUT INSERTED.ID_Person -- Identity column , INSERTED.[RS] , NULL -- Needed to make the column count match INTO @NewPreson SELECT [First Name] , [Last Name] , [MI] , [Birth Date] , [RS] FROM #Staging Stgthat's it
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