Philly.Net Code Camp presentation – The Fine Art of Stored Procedures and User Defined Functions

The presentation of “The Fine Art of Stored Procedures and User Defined Functions” at Philly.Net's Code Camp 2010.1 on Saturday April 10, 2010 during the 10AM Session went reasonably well. As this was the fist time giving this presentation there is much cleanup to do in focusing the talking points and the demos. There was more material not covered then we actually had time to go through. So it seems that this could easily be a two part series.
Kevin Goff’s presentation had an Idea in it that I have thought about before but never took the time to implement. His presentation had way more material then there was time for. So he built a menu into his Power Point Presentation and allowed the attendees to pick the ones they wanted to cover. I like this because it allows the presenter to develop all the material and have a flexible presentation based on the audience. The “Fine Art of SQL” series is a good candidate for this Style.
I will submit the second half or more of this presentation to Code Camp or PSSUG for upcoming events. The next one I will aim towards an intermediate level instead of the beginner level. This way we can spend more time on code and technique then theory and book knowledge.
Don’t forget to complete the online evaluations.
Additionally, I will attempt to post various sections of this presentation as a continuing series on this blog. I a bout of shameless self-promotion please subscribe to the RSS feed.
Here are some links that may be of use:
The presentation with code here
MS SQL Books Online:
- Stored Procedures Explained – Explore the links on this page
- UDF’s Explained – Explore the links on this page
- Execution Plan Caching and Reuse
- Parameters and Execution Plan Reuse
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