Using the PocketWizard MiniTT1 and Nikon SU-800 with Paul C Buff Einstein 640

The SU800 does a fine job of controlling an Einstein 640 when used with a PocketWizard MiniTT1 and the PowerMC2 adapter.
As expected there is no TTL or iTTL support. When the Zone is in TTL or AA the remote Einstein will fire in sync with whatever power setting is on the back of the flash head.
When in Manual the power tracks from 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 in whole stop increments down to 1/128. There is no way to get it to go down to 1/256, which is supported by the Einstein 640. There also seemed to be no support for the fractional 1/10th stop increments that the flash supports.
Interestingly the power adjust in near real time with the adjustments on the back of the SU-800. The lag is very short, as in less then a second.
One or two times a test shot was needed to sync it up for power. Otherwise performance was rock solid.
The test was done on different zones, which are easily adjusted on the back of the Einstein.
The last item of note was that when the zone's mode on the SU-800 was disabled the Einstein dimmed the modeling light to it's lowest level and dumped power down to 1/256 and did not fire, as expected since the zone was disabled. It was neat to see the remote unit just behave all on it's own from the wireless sync.
Overall very pleased that the Einstein unit can integrate with the PW ControlTL system.
I have not tried with the AC3 yet as mine is out for service. Just waiting on UPS since the Mac Group ships with signature in person required.
The expectation is that the Einstein will be controlled from 1/1 to 1/64 in 1/3 stop increments since that is what the range of the AC3 is from +3 to -3.
So far I'm pleased with the Einstein units and the PW integration. I will say that the PCB CyberCommander is also very, very, very cool. The built in meter and the full control to the 1/10th of a stop plus lots of zones and groups. It is an impressive setup. I can see using the PW integration when the Einsteins are used for ambient and fill that does not need to be TTL. And the CyberComander system for more studio like conditions.
Next to test will be using the two systems together since the CyberSync system can be triggered via PC port of the camera or on the hot shoe of the camera or MiniTT1. It may even work on a remote FlexTT5 relay style. That way I could use something in the MiniTT1 for 3 zone control plus the Einsteins via the CyberCommander for more direct control of the remote units.
This post is based on a discusion in the PocketWizard group on Flickr.

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