This article was written to help in the future if SageTV ever needs to be reinstalled. This is really to serve as my brain sometime in the future. It's very possible that others may find this useful.
This article was also written against a new installation of SageTV v6.6.1 although many of these tips will work on much older versions. Obviously - use at your own risk:
Extend the number of days in advance Sage will indicate recording of favorites:
By default favorites are only indicated to record 3 days in advance. This is not especially useful for your standard weekly episodic TV. There is an option in the SageTV.Properties file
This is accomplished by editing the files in the SagTV application Directory, usually C:\Program Files\SageTV\SageTV\ .
There are som precautions when editing this file.
- It is good to make a backup.
- SageTv application and the services should not be running.
- Restart the service and the application after the file is saved
- Edit just one or a few settings at a time and test. You can always revert to the backup copy be renaming it back to Sage.Properties
- Any text editor will work. A good find command is helpful since the file is long and has many similarly titled properties.
To extend the recording window modify scheduling_lookahead:
this number represents the number of milliseconds for 14 days.
Source: SageTv Forum - Wish to see more than todays and tomorrows scheduled recordings??
Add hidden secret bonus features
Source: SageTv Forum - Unofficial Secret Extra v5-6 UI Features